Played:446 is a captivating strategic game centered around the concept of miniature castles. The objective of this game is to construct your own fortress while simultaneously demolishing the fortress of your adversary.


Begin by inputting your name, followed by selecting one of the three character classes.
You have the option to choose both the color and shape of your fortress.
Initiate gameplay by selecting the Play button.
To initiate an assault, use the left mouse button.
To enable special capabilities, utilize the RIGHT MOUSE button.
To switch between various weapons, use the Q and E keys.


The objective is to either demolish the adversary's fortress or compel them to deplete their resources before you do so. The objective of the game is to launch offensive strikes and dismantle your adversary's fortress, all the while constructing and safeguarding your own stronghold. This game can be played either individually or with a substantial number of players from all over the world.


There are three options for character classes: mage, archer, or knight. Every class possesses a distinct weapon and specialized abilities. In order to assist you during combat, it is also possible for you to enlist the aid of both regular soldiers and specialized units.

Construct your fortress.

Through the acquisition of timber and gold, as well as the procurement of architectural structures and the enlistment of military personnel, you have the ability to construct and enhance your fortress. Players will encounter a diverse range of experiences and thrilling moments, as each building and unit is uniquely designed and has a certain purpose. You have the option to choose both the color and shape of your fortress. The game is set in a vast expanse encompassing diverse weather conditions and scenery. When engaging in the assault and annihilation of adversary fortresses, it is imperative to employ your strategic acumen in order to safeguard your own castle.
